Investment Programs


Commingled Fund Sponsorship

We have sponsored and managed commingled real estate funds for over 35 years across the United States, with a major focus on the California state counties.


Specified Account Management

We have the experience to develop strategies which help achieve the investment goals of our customers that have chosen real estate investment programs.


Real Estate Investment

LaSale’s real estate programs for investors pave the way to the major commercial landholding market in California. Invest in commercial property with us!


Aligned Investment Program

LaSale offers real estate co-investment programs to choose customers who wish to build a portfolio suited to the areas of their business interest.


Real Estate Debt

LaSale performs solid investments in real estate debt across the entire area of the United States, as well as some European countries.


Special Situation Program

LaSale's special situation fund aims at structured equity and debt investments, taking advantage of peculiar market dislocations.


Individual Conslutations

If you are considering different investment options or have a unique request, we will be happy to help you make informed decisions. We offer individual consultations for our clients of any scale.


Global Indirect Investment

Indirect property investments enable your customers to efficiently capitalize on the benefits of global diversification. Clients can benefit from access to versatile investment options.


Strategic Partnerships

LaSale has established strategic partnerships with investment management companies around the US and the European Union. Each regional team is responsible for advising major investors.

  • Adress

    854 W 24th St, Los Angeles, CA 90005

  • Hours

    Monday - Saturday: 11 AM - 9 PM

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